Tag Archives: Ann E. Michael

Review: Ode to the Heart Smaller than a Pencil Eraser by Luisa Igloria

Posted in November 18, 2015
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Ann E. Michael PQ Contributing Editor Ode to the Heart Smaller than a Pencil Eraser Luisa Igloria Utah State University Press, 2014 paperback, 74 pp $16.95 ISBN 978-0-87421-968-5 http://www.upcolorado.com/utah-state-university-press/item/2393-ode-to-the-heart-smaller-than-a-pencil-eraser In his introduction to Luisa Igloria’s Ode to the Heart Smaller …

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Review: In Memory of Brilliance & Value by Michael Robins

Posted in November 18, 2015
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Ann E. Michael, PQ Contributing Editor In Memory of Brilliance & Value Michael Robins Saturnalia Books, 2015 paperback, 65 pp. $15.00 ISBN 978-0-9915454-8-3 www.saturnaliabooks.com When encountering couplets on the page, readers tend to expect the lyrical rather than the narrative. …

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Review: Radioland by Lesley Wheeler

Posted in November 18, 2015
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Ann E. Michael PQ Contributing Editor Radioland Lesley Wheeler Barrow Street Books, 2015 Paperback, 74 pp $16.95 ISBN 978-0-9893296-8-2 http://barrowstreet.org/press/book/radioland-lesley-wheeler/ The parent-child relationship, in an ideal world, could be open to generous renegotiation—fluid, adaptable—as parents age and their children become …

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Review: Things That Keep Us from Drifting by Andrew Ruzkowski

Posted in April 6, 2015
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Ann E. Michael, PQ Contributing Editor Things That Keep Us from Drifting Andrew Ruzkowski Another New Calligraphy, 2014 88 pp., large format paperback, $18.00 www.anothernewcalligraphy.com In his writings, John Dewey mentions the phenomenon he calls “drift,” when social forces lose …

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Is Poetry Therapeutic? Define Your Terms!

Posted in April 6, 2015
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Ann E. Michael Minerva, the Roman goddess of poetry, medicine, wisdom… Periodically, because I have so many friends and colleagues who are writers, the subject of whether writing is therapeutic appears in conversation or on social media. A recent New …

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Review: Frozen Latitudes by Therése Halscheid

Posted in April 6, 2015
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Ann E. Michael, PQ Contributing Editor Frozen Latitudes Therése Halscheid Press 53, 2014 Paperback, 75 pp. $14.95 ISBN 978-1-941209-12-7 www.measurepress.com Therése Halscheid’s latest collection begins with the cold: “icy flakes” and “sentence after sentence moving    words/over the winter earth.” She …

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Review: Dogwatch by R.S. Gwynn

Posted in October 11, 2014
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  Ann E. Michael, PQ Contributing Editor Dogwatch R. S. Gwynn Measure Press, 2014 Hardcover, 107 pp ISBN 978-1-939574-07-7 www.measurepress.com I have found that among readers of poetry perhaps the most ardent opinions involve the use of end rhyme in …

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Neurology and Poetry

Posted in October 11, 2014
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Ann E. Michael, Contributing Editor For me, reading about consciousness, neurology, the evolution of brain development, and scientific studies on neuropsychology is oddly soothing. The findings in these articles and books often mesh well with books I read about Buddhism, …

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Etch and Blur by Jamie Thomas and Ruins Assembling by Dennis Finnell

Posted in April 19, 2014
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Review by Ann E. Michael Etch and Blur Jamie Thomas Brick Road Poetry Press, 2014 paperback, 81 pp, $15.95 ISBN 978-0-9841005-9-0 Purchase link Ruins Assembling Dennis Finnell Shape and Nature Press, 2014 paperback, 67 pp, $14.95 ISBN 978-0-9899969-0-7 Purchase link …

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State of the Union by Susan Lewis

Posted in January 16, 2014
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Review by Ann E. Michael State of the Union Susan Lewis Spuyten Duyvil, 2013 paperback,  27 pages ISBN 978-0-923389-91-8 www.spuytenduyvil.net It could be said that Susan Lewis’ poems in State of the Union operate by means of the framework of …

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